It has been about 2 years since I’ve posted anything here. There are a couple of reasons. The first is that I found I really did have much that was worth saying, so there was little motivation to keep saying.
I notice that I also haven’t really used my Bloglines account much in the past couple of years either. This seems to be because not only did I have nothing worth saying about design, no one else seems to either. And by degrees I stopped reading my feeds altogether.
And the second reason is that I found after leaving my corporate job to run my own consultancy I simply didn’t have the time or energy anymore. I wonder how many blogs out there are really just the result of corporate inefficiency .
Anyway a recent project has shown me that I may perhaps have something worth saying again. It will be a lot more technical in nature, but I notice that I’ve still got a few drafts on the shelf I’ll probably dust off and serve up as is just to help get these rusty gears in motion again.