Design is NOT about Drawing

It feels like I’ve been fighting an uphill battle about what design really is and is not. Time for another round…

It pains me to read someone claim that people who can draw well are good designers. It pains me even more to read this nonsense repeated by one of my favourite blogs. *sigh*

Folks design is not about drawing. Design is an endeavour to model and solve the problems people experience. Drawing, on the other hand, is about expression and communication. It has no necessary connection with problem analysis or solution synthesis. And even when drawing proves to be an important design tool, drawing skill is largely irrelevant.

Here’s some purely anecdotal evidence. I know people who are wonderful illustrators, but have no ability to grasp experiential problems nor to think of new solutions. I also know people who can reveal incredible insights into problems and concieve of brilliant solutions, but couldn’t draw to save their lives.

Posted in Old

One thought on “Design is NOT about Drawing

  1. thank you niblettes. I’m one of those who can’t render to save my life and that lack led to my dropping out of gradschool in product design where eval was on how well you could get the chrome looking blue and brown in a rendering by hand [in the days before computers]. luckily my brain works 😛

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