Into the Overlap Dear Friends

Ce ci n’est pas in image

Later this week I’ll be off to the Overlap unconference.

I don’t go to conference as much as I used, because over the years I don’t think I have ever gotten anything of value out of a signle one.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I did go to Montreal last year for the UPA conference. I absolutely love Montreal. If the winters were just a little less harsh I’d move there in a heartbeat. If you’re ever there, find Swartz’s deli and have one of the greatest most evilest sandwiches around. The conference however was a complete waste of time. And I almost went to IA summit in Vancouver, but I’m glad I didn’t because the word from friends who atteneded was that just some sound and some fury.

However Overlap is something entirely different. Overlap isn’t so much a conference (or even an un-conference) as it is a conversation, and great things come from great conversations. Furthermore this event is free, meaning participlation is based on passion, not profit.

Posted in Old

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