Great Stuff

I don’t normally write posts that are just links to other stuff–but there two are so damned great I just have to.

The first is a UN sponsored interactive info-graphic called Human Development Trends 2005. It is a stunning piece of work from both a economic and information design perspective. It is one of the few examples of interactive information I’ve experienced that truly maximizes the value of showing information over time. When I first found this I must have spent nearly 2 hours just exploring the charts.

The second has nothing to do with design, business, innovation, or economics. But it might just be the most amazing adventure story ever–and its all happening right now. 8 years ago a guy decided that he was going to literally walk around the world. Today he’s nearly half way there, having started in the Falklands, and traced a path of unbroken steps all the way up South American, across Central America, through the US and Canada, and has recently just crossed the Bering Straight. All this and a tragic love story to boot.

I’ve been following him since 2002. Back in 2003 I was only a couple hundred miles away from him, and I could kick myself for not taking a couple hours to drive up to meet this absolutely amazing individual.

Posted in Old

2 thoughts on “Great Stuff

  1. Darn, now I feel guilty for all my unoriginal link posts. Thanks for the links though! I love the first one, not that the second is bad or anything.

  2. Oh I think you produce plenty of original thought. I’m obliquely refering to other blog that are little more than link-fests. I guess that okay, just not for me.

    Now go read Goliath!

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