Innovation like Humor?

Funny Foxes

So Scott Adams has a basic formula for a successful comic. In order for something to be funny, you need at least two of the following elements:

  • Cute (as in kids and animals)
  • Naughty
  • Bizarre
  • Clever
  • Recognizable (You’ve been there)
  • Cruel

Looking through the funny pages (actually, the not-so-funny pages) this weekend I noticed 3 comics that followed his formula exactly. Mean talking animals seems to be the flavour of the day (Family Guy anyone?), and that hit 3 of 6 right there. Perhaps Adams is right.

This makes me wonder if there is a similar formula for innovation–surely a formula for innovation is no more unthinkable than a forumla for humour (then again, I don’t find many comics that try to pull off the formula to be terribly funny, except for the foxes above–they crack me up, probably cause they hit 4 of 6).

Posted in Old

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